Treatment Menu

  • Initital Appointment | 60 min | $160

    Prior to your appointment you will complete a detailed intake form and send through any recent pathology results. I will assess this prior to your appointment so that she knows the big stuff BEFORE you walk in the door.

    In this appointment you will get used to the fact that there is no such thing as TMI (too much information) and we will be getting into the nitty gritty of your health and body.

    A combination of herbs, acupuncture, cupping, gua sha and dietary therapy will be applied as required.

  • The Short Follow Up | 40 min | $100

    The short follow up is recommended for those who are on a weekly treatment plan.

    This appointment will always include acupuncture and herbs. A perfect follow up for fertility patients, ongoing musculoskeletal and those who want a quick tune up.

  • The Long Follow Up | 60 min | $120

    Best suited for those who want the TLC, who see me infrequently or have multiples complaints we are focussing on.

    This includes more time for chit chat, cups, gua sha, moxa, acupuncture and herbs OR longer needle retention time when needed.

    Think of this as the long consultation time with your GP. If I'm seeing you less regularly, or you anticipate that you might need a little more time to be covered in a comprehensive manner, this is a good choice for you.

    I would choose when I am definitely wanting cups and a bit more time to move. Choose this if you want the works or if we're looking at a new condition that we've not discussed before.